Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Wood Grain

I swear, every time I see it my heart breaks all over again.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


I look so strange from here. Across the room I’m there—sleeping. All the things I imagined to have meaning hold none here.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


Hours. I would lay for hours with you. Your fingers running underneath my hair and across my skin. There’s a piece of me that still lives there in that moment.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


There’s something special about ripping flesh from a bone with your teeth and bare hands. The way your eyes pinch shut to prevent splash back. When you do it long enough, your ears begin to hum with the slightest ringing noise. The gasp. The way the tongue traces the teeth for traces. It’s waking up something ancient. A familiar memory that, as a species, we climbed the food chain high enough to exit stage left.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Goodbyes Denied

We walked the strip for hours that night,

Walking past one another,

Lost in the crowds,

Never quite finding the goodbye.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


It won today,

but it could just as easily unravel

entirely tomorrow.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

As Above…

Earths reflection is evidence,

Lucy’s war rages on.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


It means seeing the love in every human heart holding hands with the devil.

It means seeing people completely.

It means a glance reveals all.

And it means loving them unconditionally,

in their entirety.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


A flower that receives no sun,

will never bloom.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Express Yourself

Expression is the most potent form of

magic that exists.

It triumphs the earth, the sacrificial, and

even the sexual.

It transcends time,

lives in eternity.

So release it, and watch the world remold

itself around you.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Walk Naked

Give your entire flawed self to the world.

If they want to kill you for it,

then smile,

and let them.

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