Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki XIV

She’s an extravagant and beautiful witch surrounded by nonbelievers. She just smiles and sails past them, catching waves only she can see.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki XIII

How could I possibly think clearly with you floating around in here?

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki XII

She surfs a bed of roses across frozen lakes.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki XI

I’m always wondering what’s running through your mind while you’re twirling those cheap pens between your black nails.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki X

She’s Hell on heels in an a-line.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki IX

Despite my attempts to evict you,

I still find myself wafting through the smoke to find you in your chair.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki VIII

Lift your head love,

those tears will only slow you down.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki VII

Your beauty, grace, and confidence have carried you a vast distance love.

Your heart must carry you the rest of the way.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki VI

She’s a professor in the school of vanity.

I could care less about vanity, but more than anything I wanted an A in her class, for no other reason than to make her happy.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki V

The music was so loud,

I couldn’t have noticed someone else in there if I tried.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki IV

From the moment she walked in,

I couldn’t get her out of my mind,

She’s been welcomed ever since.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki III

There’s a purple velvet wingback chair in the back of my heart somewhere, that’s where you’ll find her.

She’s draped in ink, with a leg over the arm of the chair, a joint pinned between two fingers, filling the place with smoke, and smiling ear to ear.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki II

If it was shiny or sharp,

she loved it.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Nikki I

She’s the essence of strawberry milkshakes and tacos on a balmy summer eve,

The puffy cloud adrift in the vast flawless cerulean sky.

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