Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet XII

That level of Love floods the breath of life through the lungs of the dead.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet XI

Every time I think I’m about to finally find the shore a hand grabs my ankle and pulls back to the depths of you.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet X

Somewhere in your absence, the dagger became your memory rather than your absence. I could easily pull it out. In doing so I might heal, or maybe I’ll just bleed out, or worse—maybe when the pain fades I’ll simply forget you altogether.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet IX

While on a walk in the cold, silent, night air, a curious little rabbit came across my path. I looked to the moon, and your memory blew from one end of my mind to the other. In that moment, the wind carried the smell of smoke from a smoldering fire to me to shatter the illusions of this world.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet VIII

With each new goodbye

The breath of pain was less and less

Until there was nothing left to feel.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet VII

I was in the deep end,

Not even looking for land,

Just quietly drowning,

Yet there you were.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet VI

The bright memory of you,

is a warmth on my soul,

in an otherwise cold world.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet V

It’s you, just you.

You are the war within.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet IV

I am forever torn between,

Loving you completely and,

Loathing you entirely.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet III

I wish the knowing that we were never meant to live forever,

removed the desire for more time with you.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet II

You were the place where time stood still and the world falls away.

The one fear that remains, is never finding my way back to that place—maybe I never will.

Perhaps in the next life we’ll be able to hang onto the moment for a while longer.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Scarlet I

Every now and then, a memory floats forward from somewhere far behind.

I whisper your name in melancholy—and some creature stirs beneath my skin.

The chill only reminds me of just how real it all was.

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