Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Note to Self

Self induced lobotomies are frowned upon by society.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


The surreal’s novelty wore off a long time ago. It’s a lot more gray in here than I thought it would be. The echoes definitely give you migraines. But more than anything—frankly—it’s boring as shit in here.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


The truth is that the only people who even remotely catch my attention are the ones with crazy amounts of confidence. The people who genuinely just reach out and latch onto the things and people they want because they’re aware of the game we’re all playing.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


Somewhere along the way, I just quit giving a fuck. I wasn’t happy with the story that was written for me. I threw away my gifts and my last modicum of kindness followed them in to the fireplace. Now, I crank it as high as it can go and watch a silent movie unfold before me.

The irony is—I can’t stand musicals.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


It’s rare that I encounter someone with that sort of grinning intuition. She knows everything not said, and sees through the things that are. God I can’t wait to see what she pulls off in this life. The one thing I’m sure of is that if she desires it, the whole world will know her name.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Black Widow

I mourn more lives of those I’ve loved in a year, than there are federal holidays.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


It’s finally getting to that moment where it’s no longer a question. It’s no longer a maybe, a possibility, a list of backups, or anything else. It’s simply the only path forward. All other routes mean certain death. I can smell the dragons breath.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


The storm carries my final breath in its winds. My death was swift and quick, but I still can’t leave.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Just a Cliché

Just a big cliché, that’s all. An emo kid from the suburbs of the Midwest, who wore entirely to much black and loved Shakespeare.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


Somewhere along the way, we rejected the noble knights in favor of hollow, lonely, and loveless celebrity. Frankly, it makes me want to wretch up the slick black of the abyss on behalf of us all. Chivalry didn’t fall on its own sword—people held it down and drove its own blade through its chest. It was just the beginning of the greater war against Love itself. They fail to see that slaying the mechanisms of hope is a futile effort, including chivalry. The very essence of hope lives and breathes in Loves realm, not it’s manifestations.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


Is it balance…or simply exhaustion.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


God fucking damn it. I love you. It’s to my shame that in the desire to not let go, I have kept you here well past your time. I’m grateful for the extra time with you, and I’m terrified that my selfishness will prolong your suffering. I don’t think I can let go—so when the time comes, you have to go. You have to be the one to let go. I’ll figure it out after. I love you pup.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


Somewhere out there in neverwhere, there’s a version of me who was far less arrogant. He decided to stay and cultivate an empire. He’s basking in the sun of the Laguna Hills. He’s taking long drives up and down the coastline. Somewhere out there in neverwhere, there’s a younger less arrogant version of me who was happy with what he had.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

It is Compelling

The most compelling evidence for reincarnation is the fact that every child is born screaming.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Three Blind Mice

I wish I knew. It is nothing more than a push and pull of the ether. Whispering walk this way, go this direction, stay away from that. Never offering an explanation, and demanding obedience. A push here, a pull there. Steadily, forcefully, guiding me into the abyss that is fate.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

Little Dude

It was obvious that she was flirting, so much that my brother pointed it out. I knew she was, I was just trying to ignore it.

“Dude,” he says. “You should get her number.”

“I don’t ask for numbers anymore little dude.”

“That’s depressing,” he says.

“Yeah, well—I’ve learned my lesson.”

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


True rebellion begins at any age with the disregard of the patriarchal and matriarchal expectations. It is commandeering the helm of your own ship and setting a course that will bring your life satisfaction and fulfillment. It is not inherently bad, and often means stepping outside of the crowd and turning your gaze inwards—upon yourself and society—as a critical observer. When performed correctly, the end result is often one of inner peace and ultimately the acceptance of your familial ties. Rebellion is a long, solitary, road which requires a clear vision and an enormous amount of patience and faith. It is an art form to be perfected over the coarse of many years—but it begins by deciding exactly what it is you truly want from life.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


There’s something void of darkness there underneath crawling around, slowly eating its way through someone I once knew. A part of me is still resistant to the consumption.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins

The Unexpected

When I laid my guns down I was certain that the path of peace was a noble, and worthwhile, pursuit. I had no concept of the war that was about to begin.

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Nathaniel Hankins Nathaniel Hankins


There was five inches of snow outside. At three in the morning, she was model walking up and down the sidewalk in black lace Victoria Secret lingerie, and jet black stilettos. She was a perfect blend of crazy and confident. It was just ment to be.

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